There are 46 hiragana characters for 46 different sounds. Hiragana are used for expressing "grammatical" elements such as particles, and endings of adjectives and verbs which show tenses, etc. Kanji are used for expressing "meaningful" elements such as nouns and stems of adjectives and verbs.
It is possible to write entire Japanese sentences in hiragana. If an adult forgets certain kanji which are rarely used, he/she may substitute hiragana for them. Since the basic 46 hiragana symbols and some modifications of the suffice for all Japanese sounds, Japanese children start to read and write Japanese all in hiragana before making an attempt to learn some of the two thousand kanji currently used.
Japanese is written in a combination of three scripts:hiragana,katakana, and kanji. Kanji represents ideas or objects, hiragana expresses the grammatical relationships between them.katakana is used for words of foreign origin. Like romaji, both hiragana and katakana characters represent one syllable and have no meaning other than the representation of sound. Though Japanese is usually written in a combination of three scripts, Japanese sentences can be written in either hiragana or katakana only. I think learning hiragana and katakana is a good start for Japanese writing.
I will show 46 basic hiragana characters this time, and in the following lessons I will introduce how to write them.
asa あさ | morning |
inu いぬ | dog |
umi うみ | the sea |
eki えき | station |
okane おかね | money |
sample words ::
kasa かさ | umbrella |
ki き | tree |
kuruma くるま | car |
kemuri けむり | smoke |
koe こえ | voice |
sakana さかな | fish |
shio しお | salt |
sushi すし | sushi |
sekai せかい | world |
sora そら | sky |
take たけ | bamboo |
chi ち | blood |
tsuki つき | moon |
tenki てんき | weather |
tokei とけい | watch, clock |
namae なまえ | name |
nihon にほん | Japan |
numa ぬま | marsh |
neko ねこ | cat |
nohara のはら | field |
hata はた | flag |
hikari ひかり | light |
fune ふね | ship |
heya へや | room |
hoshi ほし | star |
makura まくら | pillow |
mise みせ | store |
mushi むし | insect |
me め | eye |
momo もも | peach |
yama やま | mountain |
yuki ゆき | snow |
yoru よる | night |
rakuda らくだ | camel |
risu りす | squirrel |
rusu るす | absence |
rekishi れきし | history |
rousoku ろうそく | candle |
wata わた | cotton |
mon もん | gate |
haru はる | spring |
natsu なつ | summer |
aki あき | fall |
fuyu ふゆ | winter |
higashi ひがし | east |
nishi にし | west |
minami みなみ | south |
kita きた | north |
aka あか | red |
ao あお | blue |
midori みどり | green |
shiro しろ | white |
sample greetings ::
Hajimemashite. はじめまして。 | How do you do? |
Douzo yoroshiku. どうぞよろしく。 | Nice to meet you. |
Ohayou gozaimasu. おはようございます。 | Good morning. |
Oyasuminasai. おやすみなさい。 | Good night. |
Arigatou. ありがとう。 | Thank you. |
Dou itashimashite. どういたしまして。 | You are welcome. |
Sumimasen. すみません。 | I am sorry, Excuse me. |
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